Ever have a difficult time deciding what the teams should be when playing with your friends? This IOS app takes that problem away. By keeping track of player statistics and creating the most fair teams, this app will bring more fun and competition to your sports games!




My Inspiration

With the school year coming to an end, my friends and I devoted a lot of our time into playing Volleyball. However, every time we played there seemed to be a problem. It would take us ages to decide how the teams should be split. As we struggled to create the most optimal teams, the idea of creating this app popped into my head. After developing and publishing this app, our team selections were done within milliseconds, allowing us to focus and enjoy Volleyball.

What it does

Combining Python, Azure SQL Database, and a Flutter frontend, this app tracks the Win:Loss Ratio of each player. It then utilizes that information to create the most balanced teams.

How it was done

Frontend (UI) : Flutter Dart

All the user interface and navigation of the app was done using the frontend programming language: Dart.


Backend (Server and Algorithms) : Python

All the behind the scenes work is done through the interpreted programming language Python. This includes:

  1. The TeamChooser Algorithm that uses a formula to calculate skill level and select the teams accordingly